
abstract class SavedStateMachine<S : State, A : Action, E : Effect> @MainThread constructor(savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle, key: String, initialState: S, graph: Graph<S, A, E>, effectHandle: EffectHandle<S, A, E>, fallbackHandle: FallbackHandle<S, A, E>? = null, logger: Logger = NoopLogger, context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext) : StateMachine<S, A, E>

A StateMachine that saves its state to SavedStateHandle


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constructor(savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle, key: String, initialState: S, graph: Graph<S, A, E>, effectHandle: EffectHandle<S, A, E>, fallbackHandle: FallbackHandle<S, A, E>? = null, logger: Logger = NoopLogger, context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext)


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val graph: Graph<S, A, E>
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val scope: CoroutineScope
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val state: StateFlow<S>


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fun dispatch(action: A)